Showing 181 Result(s)
How to calm your anxiety

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Wondering how to calm your anxiety? Maybe you feel like a ball of nerves lately. Or perhaps you have a hard time falling (or staying) asleep because of racing thoughts. Maybe feeling anxious has become a routine part of your day, or is making life feel especially challenging or overwhelming. If any of this sounds …

Working Out at Home

Working out at home offers a convenient and flexible way to stay active and healthy without the constraints of a gym or fitness class. It allows individuals to tailor their exercise routines to their own schedule and preferences. With the rise of online resources, from workout videos to virtual trainers, there are endless options to …

Healthy lunch and snack ideas for ids

Healthy Lunch and Snack Ideas for Kids

“What are some healthy lunch and snack ideas for kids?” As dietitians, we get asked this question all the time. As parents, we want to properly fuel our kids, whether they are home with us or heading off to school. Remember, what your kids eat throughout the day truly does matter. In fact nutrition can …

food safety tips

Food Safety Tips

Food safety is an important topic, especially since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 48 million Americans get food poisoning each year. That’s one in six people! Meanwhile if you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know the effects are not pleasant, with symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Ultimately there are …

Why exercise is important

Why Exercise Is Important for Your Health

Why is exercise important? The reason is simple: Studies show that regular and consistent physical activity has a positive impact on both mental and physical health. In fact science has proven time and time again that moving your body on a regular basis creates long-lasting benefits. In this article we will discuss many topics including: …

The Health Benefits of Walking

Is walking really beneficial? Are there really any health benefits to walking? The answering is a resounding YES! Often we hear from our clients that they don’t run or jog for a variety of reasons. Meanwhile, they are convinced that walking offers no real benefit. They are left with a “why bother” outlook that leads …

is there a fad diet that works

Is There a Fad Diet That Works?

Many of our clients wonder if there is a fad diet that works. With obesity on the rise globally, more and more people are looking for a quick fix for their weight issues. Meanwhile fad diets often promise (and sometimes deliver) rapid weight loss. However, questions remain: Do fad diets yield results that are long-lasting …

promoting a healthy body image

Promoting a Positive Body Image

Promoting a positive body image is a topic that comes up often with our clients. This is especially true for the parents of young kids and teens. What is body image? Quite simply, it’s how we feel about our own bodies. Children and teens in particular can develop a positive or negative image of their …

Valentine’s Day Gifts That Aren’t Food for Him

So many of our clients come to us after Valentine’s Day and say that the holiday was tough for them. They feel as though eating out and consuming too much candy threw them off track to reaching their health goals. Meanwhile, a special meal and some chocolate is certainly okay in moderation. It’s all about …

Valentine’s Day Gifts That Aren’t Food for Her

So many of our clients come to us after Valentine’s Day and say that the holiday was tough for them. They feel as though eating out and consuming too much candy threw them off track to reaching their health goals. Meanwhile, a special meal and some chocolate is certainly okay in moderation. It’s all about …