Showing 22 Result(s)

Fun Low Calorie Summer Drinks

Looking for a refreshing way to kick off summer without knocking you off track of your goals? We have you covered! Summer for most of us means relaxing vacations and sips by the pool. If you’re being mindful of your food and drink this summer, there are plenty of low calorie drinks out there that …

Setting Smart Goals

Setting SMART Goals and Sticking to Them

Setting SMART goals helps you define your intentions and put them into practice, whether it be in pursuit of better health or any other goal you would like to prioritize. The acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-based and Accountability. When you’re trying to make changes in your life, setting SMART goals can …

is there a fad diet that works

Is There a Fad Diet That Works?

Many of our clients wonder if there is a fad diet that works. With obesity on the rise globally, more and more people are looking for a quick fix for their weight issues. Meanwhile fad diets often promise (and sometimes deliver) rapid weight loss. However, questions remain: Do fad diets yield results that are long-lasting …

probiotics and weight loss

Probiotics and Weight Loss

Probiotics and weight loss has become a hot topic in the health and wellness world. As scientific advances unfold, the known positive effects of a healthy gut seem more and more promising. We know that probiotics play a crucial role in gut health, brain health, heart health, and immunity. However recent studies indicate that probiotics …

high fiber foods

High Fiber Foods

Are you eating enough high fiber foods? Probably not. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, adults in the United States consume about half of the recommended daily intake of fiber, with less than 5% actually getting the recommended amount on a daily basis. Meanwhile, fiber plays an important role in weight management, heart health, blood sugar …