Showing 7 Result(s)

Physical Activity for Those on the Autism Spectrum

Physical activity holds significant benefits for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, contributing positively to their overall well-being and development. Engaging in regular physical activities, tailored to their needs and preferences, plays a crucial role in developing motor skills, coordination, and sensory integrations. By incorporating physical activity into their routine, individuals with autism can experience benefits …

Working Out at Home

Working out at home offers a convenient and flexible way to stay active and healthy without the constraints of a gym or fitness class. It allows individuals to tailor their exercise routines to their own schedule and preferences. With the rise of online resources, from workout videos to virtual trainers, there are endless options to …

Why exercise is important

Why Exercise Is Important for Your Health

Why is exercise important? The reason is simple: Studies show that regular and consistent physical activity has a positive impact on both mental and physical health. In fact science has proven time and time again that moving your body on a regular basis creates long-lasting benefits. In this article we will discuss many topics including: …

The Health Benefits of Walking

Is walking really beneficial? Are there really any health benefits to walking? The answering is a resounding YES! Often we hear from our clients that they don’t run or jog for a variety of reasons. Meanwhile, they are convinced that walking offers no real benefit. They are left with a “why bother” outlook that leads …

Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

The Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

Did you know that exercising outdoors has many key health benefits? In fact there are many reasons to move your exercise routine outside. The truth is, while physical activity can be done almost anywhere, research has shown that working out in the great outdoors can be especially helpful when it comes to improving both mental …

How to get motivated for exercise

How to Get Motivated for Exercise

Are you struggling to get (or stay) motivated for your exercise routine? You are not alone. This is a common theme we hear from our clients. Many people say they have made an effort to incorporate exercise time and time again, but they fail to stay consistent. Or they simply lack time, incentive or resources …