10 quick breakfast ideas for busy people

10 Quick Breakfast Ideas for Busy People

Our clients are busy people and they often ask us for quick breakfast ideas. If you’re like them, you’re constantly on-the-go and don’t have time to put a balanced breakfast together each and every morning. Many times you may end up skipping a meal or purchasing a drive-thru breakfast sandwich. You may then struggle with the 4:00 crash or nighttime hunger.

We know that having 20-30 grams of protein plus carbohydrates and healthy fats in a morning meal really curves those mid-morning hunger cues. Our clients who eat a more nutrient-rich breakfast tend to feel more satisfied throughout the day, and don’t feel quite as hungry at night.

To get you there, we’ve put together 10 grab-n-go quick breakfast ideas to set your morning up with success! If prep is required, get it done the night before (or over the weekend), and then grab these on busy mornings.

Dupe Starbucks Breakfast Egg Bites + Banana

These Starbucks-like egg bites are a quick grab-and-go breakfast option for those busy mornings. They are simple to whip up and are super easy to store in the fridge or freezer to help keep you satisfied until lunch time! All you have to do is combine pre-cooked eggs, some cheese, veggies, and whatever else sounds good. Add a banana with them for some carbohydrates + fiber and you are good to go!

Use these egg molds to get the perfect shape everytime!

Cottage Cheese + Mixed Berries + Healthy Fats

This quick breakfast is as simple as it sounds and is packed with protein. Prep in a container the night before and you’re golden! Mix one cup of cottage cheese with about a cup of blueberries or other berries. Mandarin oranges also make a great mix in. We also recommend adding in some healthy fats like slivered almonds, hemp seeds or chia seeds.

Cottage cheese with berries

Freezer Kodiak Cakes + Peanut Butter

Give your blood sugars better fuel with Kodiak Cakes. This is one that you’ll need to prep ahead of time but it’s easy once you’ve made a batch. We like adding 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed to the mix to get in some healthy fats- hello omega-3’s! They even have a plant-based option for our plant-forward friends. Pull out of the freezer the night before and add peanut butter the morning of for a quick breakfast choice!

Overnight Blueberry Chia Pudding + Oats

Get your day started with some FIBER! Did you know that two tablespoons of chia = 10 grams of fiber or 40% of your daily recommended intake? You’ll be “regular” after this simple and quick breakfast! And that fiber will keep you full all morning long.

Use these containers for meal prep!

Peanut Butter Apple Toast (w/ Justin’s Peanut Butter Packs)

We love this quick and easy option with delicious portable nut butter! Keep things simple for breakfast by combining Justin’s peanut butter with apple slices on top of whole grain toast. Justin’s has a ton of different flavors for your palate and this meal has what you need to curb that mid-morning hunger.

We love this 16 slicer apple corer to get the perfect thin slice for your toast!

To Go Kodiak Protein Oatmeal + Trail Mix

These to-go cups of Kodiak brand oatmeal are convenient on those days where you are running out the door or when you don’t have time to eat until you get to the office. Pair the oatmeal with Natures Garden trail mix and you have a meal filled with protein, fiber, and omega 3’s! Omega-3’s improve mental health and focus and can help reduce inflammation!

Dietitian tip: buy these items in bulk and store them in your office, classroom, cubicle, etc for easy access at work

Fruit Packed Smoothie + Hard Boiled Eggs

Here’s another easy prep ahead option: Boil eggs, peel them, place two eggs in individual bags. In addition to the hard boiled eggs, blend up this super quick fruit smoothie that’s packed with vitamins and minerals. Grab both and go for an easy morning meal!

Need a blender to make your morning smoothie? We love this one!

Junkless Granola Bars + Greek Yogurt

Granola bars are also a great on the go but many of them contain a ton of additives and ingredients. These Junkless bars have no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives and have whole grain carbohydrates! Pair this bar with a Greek or Icelandic yogurt that is loaded with protein and has minimal sugar, like the brand Siggi’s.

High Protein Overnight Oats

Use Premier Protein or Fairlife protein shakes for some protein packed overnight oats! Combine equal amounts of protein drink and dry oats. Sprinkle in a teaspoon or two of flaxseed or chia seed to bump up the healthy fats and omega-3’s! Use the glass cups above to prep these for the week!

No Bake Peanut Butter Protein Bites

Check out another quick and easy grab and go breakfast option that you don’t even have to bake! These no bake peanut butter protein bites are packed with protein, oats, and they are also made with chocolate chips- yum! This recipe serves 3 which means there will be extra to store in your fridge or freezer. You can also add a fruit on the side or pair with a smoothie or yogurt!

Store these energy bites in the fridge in these nice glass containers!

Need more quick breakfast ideas?

Try our meal planner! It’s fantastic and has tons of options. It allows you to plan your week, creates a shopping list, and even can send your grocery list to Instacart. The best part it is customized by our dietitians for your individual needs (calories, carbs, pro, and fat).


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