Sustainable Weight Loss from the Experts

In today’s world, the quest for a healthier lifestyle has become increasingly important. One of the key components of this journey is achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. However, fad diets and quick fixes dominate media and headlines, so achieving a sustainable and healthy weight loss can seem impossible.

Here are the principles of healthy weight loss and what truly goes into achieving a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Back to the Basics

Before getting into the components of the weight loss process, it’s essential to understand what sustainable weight loss entails, how it differs from fad diets, and how weight loss occurs.

What is a fad diet?

The answer to this question will depend on who you ask, but in general a fad diet is something that offers a quick fix or advertises large amounts of weight loss in a short period of time. For more details on the types of fad diets, check out this blog. Fad diets overall are not sustainable, which is why they aren’t best for maintaining weight loss.

What does sustainable weight loss mean?

Sustainable weight loss means losing weight in a manner that is healthy, realistic, and maintainable over the long term. It often involves making gradual changes to one’s diet and/or lifestyle rather than resorting to extreme measures or fad diets.

This approach to weight loss typically includes balanced nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and managing stress. Sustainable weight loss does not emphasize rapid weight loss, but instead focuses on building habits that promote overall well-being, ensuring that weight stays off in the long run.

How does sustainable weight loss occur?

Weight loss occurs through a combination of factors that affect the body’s energy balance. Simply put, weight loss occurs when the calories consumed in a day are fewer than the calories expended through daily activities and bodily functions, this is called a calorie deficit.

Outside of a calorie deficit, there are other factors such as diet composition, physical activity levels, metabolism, and overall health that play significant roles in how efficiently the body processes and uses energy.

Pillars of Wellness for Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight loss is influenced by a combination of factors outside of nutrition alone. Exercise, sleep, and stress management all play a role in weight loss and achieving a healthy lifestyle. Here at Anderson’s Nutrition, we call these the 4 pillars of wellness.


Nutrition plays a fundamental role in successful and sustainable weight loss. A balanced diet is one that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. While all foods can fit into a balanced diet, limiting the intake of processed foods and foods with excess added sugar is important for overall health. By focusing on nutrient-rich foods and mindful eating habits, individuals can achieve and maintain healthy weight loss effectively. Below are some simple swaps to start incorporating more nutrient dense foods.

  • Swap soda or another sugar sweetened beverage for fruit-infused water.
  • Try fresh fruit with greek yogurt for a sweeter snack. An additional hint, look for a greek yogurt without a lot of added sugar like Oikos or Too Good.
  • Top sandwiches and pizzas with more colorful vegetables, and lessen the cheese content to cut down on saturated fat.
  • Instead of using mayo on a sandwich or wrap, try using mashed avocado instead.

Movement & Physical Activity

When it comes to weight loss, physical activity plays a crucial role. Physical activity not only is important to help create a calorie deficit, but it also has many benefits that support overall health. Incorporating physical activity and movement looks different to everyone.

The most important thing is to find a type of physical activity that you enjoy and one that can easily fit into your lifestyle. If you are newly trying to incorporate an exercise routine into your lifestyle here are some ideas.

  • Regular walks or bike rides
  • Working out at home
  • Swimming
  • Group fitness classes at a gym or club like local YMCA
  • Dance classes
  • Weight training
  • Purchase your own workout program, like Get Move


Stress can have a significant impact on weight loss efforts. Short-term stressors can trigger the release of hormones, like cortisol, which can increase appetite and lead to cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods.

Moreover, chronic stress can contribute to emotional eating. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, physical activity, and/or mindfulness practices is essential to support sustainable weight loss.


Sleep plays a crucial role into weight loss and overall health. Poor sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, specifically hormones that regulate appetite, satiety, and metabolism. Adequate sleep, when paired with the other pillars of wellness, supports enhanced metabolism and promotes better food choices and portion control. Thus, prioritizing quality sleep as part of a healthy lifestyle is essential for supporting sustainable weight loss efforts.

Seek Support

When it comes to weight loss it can be challenging to figure out where to start. Additionally, if you are someone who has tried multiple different approaches to weight loss, it can be discouraging when nothing seems to work. Finding an expert and/or trusted weight loss program can be a great place to start when starting your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Nutrition Counseling

Registered Dietitians are a great source of support for anyone trying to lose weight and improve their health. Schedule an appointment with one of our Registered Dietitians today to get personalized nutrition counseling based on your goals.

Weight Loss Programs

When looking at weight loss programs, you want to avoid ones that offer quick fixes and villainize certain food groups. Instead, you want to feel supported and focus on making small, healthy changes that fit into your life. Check out our variety of weight loss programs here at Anderson’s Nutrition that will help you achieve a sustainable weight loss.