Infused Water Recipes
Need some new infused water recipes? Look no further. By adding fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices to your water, you can improve the taste and make water drinking a little more exciting!
Need some new infused water recipes? Look no further. By adding fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices to your water, you can improve the taste and make water drinking a little more exciting!
The New Year provides a clean slate, and the opportunity to improve our lives in the year ahead. But for most of us, the New Years resolutions will be forgotten by March. Sometimes, resolutions are not realistic and therefore, become overwhelming. This year, we challenge you to ditch those New Years resolutions, and try something …
If you know you should be drinking more water, then you will want to check out our dietitians’ best tips for staying hydrated. In fact, drinking enough water consistently is a great way to improve your overall health. Why is water important? Water is essential for life. It helps rid our body of waste through …
Our heart is such an amazing organ! It pumps blood and oxygen through our arteries throughout the body. But like everything else, food impacts our bodies and our heart! We want to make sure we eat a diet that helps keep us reach out heart health goals. But a diet high in saturated fat, artificial …
Anti-inflammatory eating is a hot topic in the wellness world. And let’s face it, inflammation often gets a bad rap. You may have heard that eating an anti-inflammatory diet is a good goal, and that reducing inflammation leads to better overall health. But what exactly is inflammation—and what really happens when you eat inflammatory foods? …
Looking for food and wellness stocking stuffers for the ladies in your life? We polled our team of Registered Dietitians to find stocking stuffers and gifts that are perfect for Moms, wives, daughters, girlfriends, besties, bosses and more. These fitness and food themed gifts are around $25 or less, and available on Amazon! Best Stocking …
Looking for food and wellness stocking stuffers for the men in your life? We polled our team of Registered Dietitians to find stocking stuffers and gifts that are perfect for Dads, husbands, sons, boyfriends, buddies, you name it. These fitness and food themed gifts are available on Amazon! Best Food & Wellness Stocking Stuffers for …
Maintaining weight during the holidays should be the goal of the season. When we are trying to restrict our calories, especially during the holiday, we may be setting ourselves up for failure. The holidays bring in some of our favorite foods, and enjoying them in moderation is key. The average American gains 1-3 pounds in …
Overview | Diet | Nutrients | Lifestyle A healthy immune system is a worthy goal for anyone who wants to avoid illness, and let’s face it: That’s all of us! But how can you best support your immune system? If you research this topic, you’ll certainly find tons of information, tips and tricks. But which …
Are you wondering what to do with all the leftover Halloween candy this season brings? A little candy will not make or break your health goals…but a lot will! Here are some ways to lighten the load. Give Away Your Leftover Candy Donate leftover Halloween candy to the troops! Remind kids (and yourself) that all …
Probiotics and weight loss has become a hot topic in the health and wellness world. As scientific advances unfold, the known positive effects of a healthy gut seem more and more promising. We know that probiotics play a crucial role in gut health, brain health, heart health, and immunity. However recent studies indicate that probiotics …
Did you know that exercising outdoors has many key health benefits? In fact there are many reasons to move your exercise routine outside. The truth is, while physical activity can be done almost anywhere, research has shown that working out in the great outdoors can be especially helpful when it comes to improving both mental …