Showing 3 Result(s)

Broccoli Olive Salad with Creamy Greek Yogurt

Enjoy this broccoli olive salad as a side to a chicken breast, a snack to curb your hunger, or a salad to bring to a barbecue. It is delicious and packed with essential, healthy fats.  Ingredients Directions Prep Make Notes This broccoli olive salad recipe originally calls for cauliflower as in photo – we enjoyed …

PB&J Smoothie with Fiber-Rich Ingredients

Whoever thought of putting cauliflower in a smoothie? Tastes delicious and you don’t even realize it’s there! Cauliflower is a vegetable that contains cancer-fighting, anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. The vitamins in this smoothie will help to enhance your immune system. They will also keep the bones stronger. Additionally, the fiber in this smoothie will aid in digestion …