Showing 4 Result(s)

Low FODMAP Recipes From Breakfast to Dessert

Following a a low FODMAP diet to help with your IBS symptoms and need a little recipe inspiration? Below we have complied some delicious recipes to keep you satisfied all day long. Scroll down for a full day of recipes, starting with breakfast and ending with dessert! These recipes and more can also be found …

probiotics and weight loss

Probiotics and Weight Loss

Probiotics and weight loss has become a hot topic in the health and wellness world. As scientific advances unfold, the known positive effects of a healthy gut seem more and more promising. We know that probiotics play a crucial role in gut health, brain health, heart health, and immunity. However recent studies indicate that probiotics …

Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Can nutrition play a role in managing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)? The short answer is, yes. This topic comes up often with patients suffering from conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, two forms of IBD. In this post, we discuss the various types of IBD and how nutrition and working with a Registered Dietitian …

Simple Kimchi Fried Rice

Did you know that fermented foods are good food sources to build up your microbiome? Having healthy gut bacteria is not just good for your body, but for your mental health, too! Whether you like having yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, or other fermented foods, these all can boost your healthy gut bacteria. If you’re looking …