You will get a confirmation email within the 24- 48 hours

You will receive a text or email to confirm the appointment date/time.

What’s Next?

CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL! You will receive THREE emails.

  1. Confirmation email. This email confirms that your appointment has been received and approved. There is a calendar icon on the bottom of the email that has been clicked on and added to your calendar.
  2. Welcome to Anderson’s Nutrition email. This email is VERY important requires submission ASAP. Use the link in the email to complete the interactive form. Scroll all the way through- 5-6 signature boxes.
  3. New Patient email. This contains a link to collect your medical information.

If you are using insurance, you will have the option to upload your insurance card and any labs or referrals in the secure forms. If you’d rather fax that information, our fax is (833) 755-0838. You can email them to, however, note that email may not be secure on your end.

TWO days before your visit you will receive an appointment reminder! Please confirm when you get it by replying “YES”. If you cannot attend, you can simply respond “NO”.

Virtual visit? You will see your link and code to get on your virtual visit.

What to expect

Congratulations, you have made a commitment to improving your health through nutrition and lifestyle management! We are committed to helping you achieve your health goals by understanding your needs, personality, and medical conditions to create a unique nutrition plan.

Changing your lifestyle is a process that cannot be accomplished in one visit. Here is what you can expect:

Initial session (1 hour): Getting to know each other. Assessment of needs and education. Creation of your customized nutrition plan– your wellness roadmap.

Follow up sessions (30 minutes- 1 hour): Evaluation of education and lifestyle changes. Goal reviewing and setting new goals may be set to continue to achieve your long term health goal.

About telehealth

What is Telehealth? It’s the use of digital technologies to deliver medical care, health education, and public health services by connecting multiple users in separate locations. Telehealth encompasses a broad definition of technology-enabled health care services. Telehealth includes telemedicine (diagnosis and treatment of illness or injury – see detailed description below), and services such as assessment, monitoring, communications, prevention, and education.

Your rights

You may withhold or withdraw consent to telehealth at any time without affecting your right to future care. You can withhold or withdraw by calling 602-770-7611 or emailing or during a session.


Our practice uses a HIPAA compliant telehealth platform. We use reasonable and appropriate efforts to protect your Personal Health Information (PHI). We do use third-party software to conduct visits that is encrypted. To protect your own privacy, it is important that you are using secure internet and ideally use headphones (with a microphone) to limit the exposure of PHI. Examples of insecure internet would be using public internet at a coffee shop or using your internet at the workplace. The use of platforms such as Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger is not secure and increases your risk for PHI disclosure. You may request to use the non-HIPAA compliant platforms with the understanding that they are not secure.


By using technology such as video and/or cell phones, there may be interruptions and/or technical difficulties. Our software does not require you to download any additional software. You will receive a link and password to connect with your practitioner. Once connected, you will have the ability to hear, see your practitioner, and view their screen for education purposes. Alternatively, a non-video option is a phone call. Screen sharing is not an option for a phone visit. If you experience any issues you can call 602-770-7611.

How telehealth works

You will receive a link with a code in your email or text. There is NO software to download. Just click on the link from any browser and enter in the code. You will need to click the audio and video box to turn them on. If you experience any issues you can call 602-770-7611.

Tips for a success session:

1. Be a quiet room and with no other distractions.

2. If an option, be in a room alone to safeguard any personal health information. The use of headphones with a microphone may be helpful.

3. Bring a pen and paper to take notes.

4. Sessions can be done on your cell phone, however, a big screen may be more helpful if your dietitian is going to screen share.

5. Click on the link a few minutes early to make sure you are on time for your session.

We’re excited to meet you!