Meet Robyn, your registered dietitian nutritionist providing services in-person and virtually.

robyn beechuk registered dietitian nutritionist
Robyn Beechuk MPH, RDN, LDN

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Robyn is the newest registered dietitian at Anderson’s Nutrition, but comes with over 15 years of experience. She attended Western Michigan University and completed her dietetic internship at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. After receiving her Master’s in Public Health from Michigan State University, Robyn had the opportunity to learn more about food labels as an intern for the Kellogg Corporation. She is interested in a variety of health-related specialties but focuses on medical nutrition therapy, heart health, corporate wellness, oncology, food allergies/intolerances, renal, and weight modification.

Robyn’s Ideal Client

Her ideal client understands that success means “everything in moderation” and “too much of one thing is never a good thing”. If you are really craving something, eat it! Robyn’s favorite foods are salads and chocolate cake, so she understands this is achievable. She also wants her clients to appreciate that it is ok to miss a workout or enjoy a treat if they are willing to continue to put in the work. If her clients are having difficulty with reaching a health goal, she believes starting with small steps and adjusting as needed to help them achieve realistic expectations.

She has been such a tremendous help during my fitness/lifestyle change journey. Her wealth of knowledge, compassion, generosity and continual motivation have had a great impact on my journey.  Sometimes what she tells me is not what I “want” to hear but “need” to hear and I appreciate having someone like her in my corner.

Former Client

Why is Robyn a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist?

Growing up, Robyn had to read labels carefully after developing lactose intolerance at 12. When she started undergraduate school, she wanted to be a school teacher. However, she realized she could have a better impact teaching individuals through food and exercise. Being a dietitian has allowed Robyn to continue her love for science and data by counseling clients with evidence-based approaches.

I want to empower individuals to make lifestyle changes through evidence-based interventions that are achievable and lead to long-term health benefits.

Robyn Beechuk


How does Robyn stay healthy?

For Robyn, being healthy is allowing all foods into her diet. She tries to vary the colors on her plate and consume both plant and animal proteins. Dessert is also a staple in her daily routine, too! She also enjoys cooking at home. Cooking isn’t just about food for her, but about making memories. She believes meals should be enjoyed with friends and family and makes sure her family does this, even on hectic days.

Finding ways to get up and move throughout the day is also important to Robyn. Whether it’s walking while her sons are at practice, taking a fitness class with a friend, or hitting the gym for weight training, she aims to stay active most days. You’ll also find her bringing snacks with her when out and about because she understands the importance of proper fueling when hungry.  

What else should you know about Robyn?

She is not afraid to try new things, which includes playing rugby in college. She enjoys spending as much time as possible with her husband, two boys and her dog, Stella. Robyn has lived in the Philadelphia area for over 10 years, but is originally from Michigan. She is becoming more of a Philly sport fan every season, but will always love her Detroit teams.